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Doctors & Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly doctors and staff who make Moore Family Eyecare the leading provider of vision care products and services in Mountain Grove.

Dr. Doug Moore

Dr. Doug Moore has a special connection to the Mountain Grove area. Having grown up in Mtn. Grove, he graduated from MGHS and married his high school sweetheart, Shelly. Later, he attended Missouri State University where he majored in Cell and Molecular Biology and minored in Chemistry.

After graduating with honors from the Southern College of Optometry in 1999, he returned to his hometown and opened Moore Family Eyecare. The practice has remained in the same location and is recognized as the leading source of primary eye care in our area. His professional interests include the following:

  • Preventative and wellness eyecare with emphasis on ocular nutrition for the entire family.
  • Contact lens fitting including hard to fit, toric and multi-focal lenses.
  • Treatment and management of eye disease including glaucoma
  • Emergency eyecare for infections, allergies and injuries
  • Cataract and Lasik surgical comanagement

Dr. Moore has led several mission trips including two in Brazil. He is actively involved in the community and is a charter member of the Mountain Grove Lion’s Club.

He currently lives in Mountain Grove with his wife and three children. His personal interests include spending time with his family, running and enjoying the great outdoors. Dr. Moore is a member of Vision Souce, the Ocular Nutrition Society, the American Optometric Association, the Missouri Optometric Association, and the Greater Ozarks Optometric Society.

A personal note from Dr. Moore: I feel incredibly blessed when I consider God’s providence over my life. I’m thankful for my family and for a profession where I help individuals improve the quality of their life by maximizing their vision.

Shelly M.

Lori M.

Mindy J.

Emily M.

Tonya H.

Mellony R.